1. Q: How to show the 'Getit' icon when you cursor over a flash video.
A: Open the FLV Downloader and set in the "Settings/Enable the "GetIt" plugin for IE" and put the mouse in the video, not in the image or letter(with mouse over a playing FLV video), only in that way can the "GetIt" be showed out.
2. Q: When you click on 'getit' - 'get flv video' grab video box appears with an internet explorer warning box over middle saying X 'cannot find 'http://www... (remaining address, video description here.) Make sure path or internet address is correct'. Click on 'OK' box disappears then you have to click the Go tab by web address, which then finds video / web address and loads. Then click to download and whole program disappears to the system tray bar as a tab, then click on Moyea tab for program to appear, then you can download.
A: Please refresh and it need time to solve some problem.
3: Q: How many ways to download the video?
A: You can use plug-in "GetIt" or "show browser " or "recording" browser to download the files from the sites similar to YouTtube.
4: Q: Why there is a blue-green shadow mark in the upper-left hand corner of Moyea Software? I am working with the "free" version of Moyea Downloader. I have converted a YouTube video to ".mpg" and uploaded it to my Photobucket account. The problem is, when I play the video there is a watermark. I would prefer my videos not to be marked up in such a fashion. Can you advise?
A: As to the question you mentioned, it is because of the trial conversion version. By the way, I'd like to say, the FLV Downloader only free for downloading the file. If you want to converter the downloaded files to other forms, you need to use the retail version of FLV to Video Converter.
5: Q: Does the FLV Downloader work with Windows Vista? A friend of mine has purchased the downloader and cannot get it to download under Vista. Additionally, he cannot view any further videos on Youtube until he unloads the FLV downloader. Is this a problem with Vista or AOL? Thanks for any help you can provide.
A: Yes, it surly can. if you can not get it to download under Vista, it is because of the protect mode you set in the IE7.
6: Q: I use Avant Browser and do not know how to make the GetIT button to work with it. It says if I use a different browser from IE7 that I had to fill out the "Connection section" under "Settings", but I don't know how to fill it in.
A: The FLV downloader can not support Avant Browser. We will consider adding this function, and we suggest you use plug-in "GetIt" or "show browser " or "recording" browser to download the files from sites similar to YouTube. By the way, if you want to use Avant Browser, you can click the "Show Browser" in the downloader and input the URL in to the popup window, click "GO", then it will work.